Do you want to enrol in your thesis or final year project?

This page outlines the difference between each course code, how to select a project and how to enrol.

The information below is a guide only. Students must refer to the relevant Course Profile for further information.

1. Which course do I enrol in?

ENGG4600BE Mechanical, Mech & Materials, Mech & Aero, Mining, Mining & GeoIndividual ThesisSemester 1Year-long4

BE Mechanical, Mech & Materials, Mech & Aero, Mining, Mining & Geo

Individual ThesisSemester 2Year-long4

BE Mechanical, Mech & Materials, Mech & Aero

Group Design ProjectSemester 1Year-long4
ENGG7291BE (Hons)/MEIndividual ThesisSemester 1 Semester8

MEngSci & MEngSci (Man)

Individual ThesisSemester 1 or 2Semester4
ENGG7341MEngSci & MEngSci (Man)Individual ThesisSemester 1Year-long4
ENGG7342MEngSci & MEngSci (Man)Individual ThesisSemester 2Year-long4
ENGG7381MEngSci, MEngSci (Man) & Master of EngineeringIndividual ThesisSemester 1Year-long8
ENGG7382MEngSci, MEngSci (Man) & Master of EngineeringIndividual ThesisSemester 2Year-long8

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Guidelines regarding expectations of students and duties of thesis advisor

The guidelines cover the most common form of a thesis for an undergraduate and coursework masters student.

Download guidelines (PDF, 577KB)